Privacy Policy

Your Privacy Matters

DogverseApp’s mission is to connect the world’s professionals to allow them to be more productive and successful. Central to this mission is our commitment to be transparent about the data we collect about you, how it is used and with whom it is shared.

This Privacy Policy applies when you use our Services (described below). We offer our users choices about the data we collect, use and share as described in this Privacy Policy, Cookie Policy, Settings and our Help Center.

Key Terms 

Table of Contents


1. Data We Collect

  1.1 Data You Provide To Us


1.2 Data From Others
1.3 Service Use
1.4 Cookies and Similar Technologies
1.5 Your Device and Location
1.6 Messages
1.7 Workplace and School Provided Information
1.8 Sites and Services of Others
1.9 Other

2. How We Use Your Data

2.1 Services
2.2 Premium Services
2.3 Communications
2.4 Advertising
2.5 Marketing
2.6 Developing Services and Research
2.7 Customer Support
2.8 Insights That Do Not Identify You
2.9 Security and Investigations

3. How We Share Information

 3.1 Our Services
3.2 Communication Archival
3.3 Others’ Services
3.4 Related Services
3.5 Service Providers
3.6 Legal Disclosures
3.7 Change in Control or Sale

4. Your Choices & Obligations

4.1 Data Retention
4.2 Rights to Access and Control Your Personal Data
4.3 Account Closure

5. Other Important Information

   5.1 Security
5.2 Cross-Border Data Transfers
5.3 Lawful Bases for Processing
5.4 Direct Marketing and Do Not Track Signals
5.5 Contact Information